My Profile

All operating data can be supplemented after logging in under the menu item "Administration" - the same applies to the websites: Under Your Data / Your Websites you have the option to store all websites. For this, simply enter the URL into the input field and hit send.

You can set up additional employees with their own access accounts and passwords yourself:

Go to the menu item "Administration" in the member area to do this. On the bottom left you will see the sub menu "Employees."
In the "Employee Overview" you will gain an overview of all access accounts set up for your system so far, under "Create New Employee" you can save the access data as well as business data for the employee.

All settings can be edited after logging in under the menu item "Administration."

  • Email reports: Do you need daily statistics? Weekly or preferably monthly? And should this perhaps also be sent to other e-mail addresses?
  • E-mail notifications: Would you like to be notified about every new campaign (it might be a good way of staying up-to-date)? Would you like to receive general information from the Advertising network? Both questions default to "yes" at registration

All personal, company data or settings can be completed and adjusted via the menu option "Administration."

  • Your details: All operational data, like password, address, tax number and media data (media data help us to recommend campaigns to you. This way you can stay up-to-date and we can help you to increase your sales.)
  • Your bank details: Self-explanatory - we would like to transfer your commissions somewhere.
  • Email reports: Do you need daily statistics? Weekly or preferably monthly? And should this perhaps also be sent to other e-mail addresses?
  • E-mail notifications: Would you like to be notified about every new campaign (it might be a good way of staying up-to-date)? Would you like to receive general information from the Advertising network? Both questions default to "yes" at registration.
  • Your Websites: Here you have the option to submit your websites for the campaign advertising.
  • Payments: A list of all current payments.